The official name of this organization is the Centre for East Turkistan National Interest, and its acronym is CETNI.

CETNI is a non-profit and an independent international research, and a think-tank oriented organization. CETNI was founded by a group of Uyghur academics and experts.

The purpose of CETNI

To strengthen and aid East Turkistanian organizations in diaspora with timely response to new developments and concerns such as political and geostrategic issues related to East Turkistan.
To help organizations to understand the challenges and the benefits of East Turkistanian people’s point of view, and to respond effectively;
To provide an alternative political lens to international organizations and governmental bodies to assist in understanding the geopolitical issues impacting the fate of East Turkistan’s future.
GOAL / Vision

To be the utmost recognized and qualified international organization to build and strengthen the national will of independence of the East Turkistan people, who are in diaspora, and to lay the foundation for comprehensive evaluation of the struggle for East Turkistan national independence movements, and to create a blueprint for East Turkistan’s political future to be an independent country.


CETNI provides a foundation where East Turkistan organizations could compare, advocate and discuss political experiences to explore and seek solutions for common challenges;

To publish study reports, its research on political and geostrategic, and the survival issues of East Turkistan from the perspective of East Turkistan nation;

To study, to commit and to focus on research projects that bring the real meaning of statehood of East Turkistanian people around the world; To conduct independent research and to promote public awareness of East Turkistan statehood movement, and to develop partnership with outside entities who are interested in supporting and to advocate for the East Turkistan’s independence struggle;